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Saints "E" to "J"

Edmund 8x10 wmd.jpg
Edmund (8"x10"x3/4")
Edward 8x10 wmd.jpg
Edward, King, Martyr, Passion-bearer (8"x10"x3/4") (Patron for eye diseases and ague)
Elijah Soudrtn 8x10 wmd.jpg
Prophet Elias (A)(Elijah) & Elisha (8"x10"x3/4") (Patron of Cars, Vehicles and Conveyances)
Elijah SQS WMT.jpg
Prophet Elias(B)(Elijah) & Elisha (8"x10"x3/4") (Patron of Cars, Vehicles and Conveyances)
Elias Conemaugh 8x10 wmd.jpg
Prophet Elias(C)(Elijah) & Elisha (8"x10"x3/4") (Patron of Cars, Vehicles and Conveyances)
Elias Fed 8x10 wmd.jpg
Elias Fed (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Cars, Vehicles and Conveyances)
Elijah Hears 10x8 wmd.jpg
Elijah Hears The Voice of God (1)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Cars, Vehicles and Conveyances)
Eligius 8X10 wmd.jpg
Eligius (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Metalworkers, Goldsmiths, Blacksmiths, Oil Field Workers, Horses & Cattle, Numismatists, Electrical & Mechanical Engineers)
Elizabeth Houston 8x10 wmd.jpg
Elizabeth Mother of The Baptist (A)(8"x10"x3/4")
Elizabeth Chmbrsbg 8x10 wmd.jpg
Elizabeth Mother of The Baptist (B)(8"x10"x3/4")
Eliz Duchess sm wmd.jpg
Elizabeth Grand Duchess (A)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Nurses, Medical workers)
Eliz Duchess 2 sm wmd.jpg
Elizabeth Grand Duchess (B)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Nurses, Medical workers)
Elizabeth N Martyr OKC wmd.jpg
Elizabeth Grand Duchess (C)(10"x8"x3/4")(Patron of Nurses, Medical workers)
Emmelia SM WMD.jpg
Emmelia (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Mothers, Homeschooling and Education)
Ephraim 8x10 wmd.jpg
Ephraim the Syrian (8"x10"x3/4") (Patron of Spiritual Directors and Spiritual Leaders)
Eugenia sm wmd.jpg
Eugenia (8"x10"x3/4")
Euphrosynos SM WMD.jpg
Euphrosynos (1)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Cooking and Kitchens)
Fabiola Lewes 8x10 wmd.jpg
Fabiola (8"x10"x3/4") Patron of Nurses
Gabriel SM WMD.jpg
Angel Gabriel (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of messengers, communicators, and postal workers)
Gabriel Georgia 8x10 vin wmd.jpg
Gabriel of Georgia (8"x10"x3/4")
Genevieve 8x10 wmd.jpg
Genevieve (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Paris)
George & Caligraphy SM WMD.jpg
George Great Martyr (A)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of soldiers)
George Oakland SM WMD.jpg
George Great Martyr (B)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of soldiers)
George W P 8x10 wmd.jpg
George Great Martyr (C)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of soldiers)
Gregory Illuminator 8x10 wmd.jpg
Gregory the Illuminator, Apostle of Armenia (8"x10"x3/4")
Hripsime Greg 8x10 wmd.jpg
Gregory & Hripsime of Armenia (8"x10"x3/4")
Gregory the Great 8x10 wmd.jpg
Gregory The Great, Pope of Rome (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of musicians, singers, students, and teachers)
Gregory Nyssa Long 8x10 wmd.jpg
Gregory of Nyssa (8"x10"x3/4")
Hanna MN 8x10 wmd.jpg
Hannah and Samuel (A)(8"x10"x3/4")
Hannah Samuel 8x10 wmd.jpg
Hannah and Samuel (B)(8"x10"x3/4")
Helen Lewes SM WMD.jpg
Helen (A)(8"x10"x3/4")
Helen Hou 8x10 wmd.jpg
Helen (B)(8"x10"x3/4")
Helen GBG Round 8x10 wmd.jpg
Helen (C)(8"x10"x3/4")
Henry 8x10 wmd.jpg
Henry (8"x10"x3/4")
Herman Lewes SM WMD.jpg
Herman of Alaska (A)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of North America)
Honoratus sm wmd.jpg
Honoratus of Amiens (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of bakers, altar bread bakers, candle-makers, florists, oil refiners, confectioners)
Hripsime Greg 8x10 wmd.jpg
Hripsime & Gregory of Armenia (8"x10"x3/4")
Ignatius Lewes 8x10 wmd.jpg
Ignatius of Antioch (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of the Church in the Eastern Mediterranean and in North Africa, Christian unity, theological studies, those suffering from throat & lung diseases)
Innocent 8x10 wmd.jpg
Innocent of Alaska (A)(8"x10"x3/4")
Innocent SM WMD.jpg
Innocent of Alaska (B)(8"x10"x3/4")
Irene SM WMD.jpg
Irene (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron to effect a swift and happy marriage [In Greece; patron of policemen])
Irene Chryso L wmd.jpg
Irene Chrysovalantou (A)(8"X10"x3/4")(Patron against infertility, illness, cancer, and against demons
Irene Chrysovolantos sm wmd.jpg
Irene Chrysovalantou (B)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron against infertility, illness, cancer and against demons)
Isaiah Sdrtn8x10 wmd.jpg
Prophet Isaiah (8"x10"x3/4")
Isaiah MN 8x10 wmd.jpg
Isaiah and the Seraphim (8"x10"x3/4")
James Pittsburgh 10x8 rectangle wmd.jpg
James Bishop of Jerusalem (A)(Brother of the Lord) (10"x8"x3/4")
James Of Jerusalem U Darb 8x10 wmd.jpg
James Bishop of Jerusalem (B)(Brother of the Lord) (8"x10"x3/4")
James AND John SM WMD.jpg
James and John; "Sons of Thunder" (10"x8"x3/4")
Joachim Anna SM WMD.jpg
Joachim and Anna (A)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patrons of Grandparents)
Joachim Anna Theotokos W Palm wmd.jpg
Joachim and Anna (B)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patrons of Grandparents)
Joanna the Myrrh-bearer (8"x10"x3/4")
Jacob Hamatoura 8x10 wmd.jpg
Jacob of Hamatoura (8"x10"x3/4")
Baptist Souderton SQS WMT.jpg
John the Baptist (A)(8"x10"x3/4")
John Forerunner Barrett 8x10 wmd.jpg
John the Baptist (B)(8"x10"x3/4")
Chrysostom SM WMD.jpg
John Chrysostom (A)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of students, educators, preachers)
John Chryso sm wmd.jpg
John Chrysostom (B)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of students, educators and preachers)
John Ladder 8x10 wmd.jpg
John Climacus ("of the Ladder")(8"x10"x3/4")
John Damascus W Palm8x10 wmd.jpg
John of Damascus (A)(8"x10"x3/4") Hymnographer and Defender of Icons
John Damascus from Ben 8wmd.jpg
John of Damascus (B)(8"x10"x3/4") Hymnographer and Defender of Icons
John Divine w scroll wmd.jpg
John the Divine (8"x10"x3/4")
John Kronstadt 8x10 wmd.jpg
John of Kronstadt (8"x10"x3/4")
John of Rila SM WMD.jpg
John of Rila (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Bulgaria)
John Max U D 8x10 wmd.jpg
John Maximovich (A)(8"x10"x3/4")
John San SM WMD.jpg
John of San Francisco (B)(8"x10"x3/4")
John Maximovich sm wmd.jpg
John of San Francisco (C)(8"x10"x3/4")
Patriarch Joseph PGH 8x10wmd.jpg
Patriarch Joseph ("The All-Comely")(8"x10"x3/4")
Joseph Arimathea TSCS 8x10 wmd.jpg
Joseph Arimathea (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of Undertakers, Morticians, Funeral Directors & Burial Societies)
Joseph H 8x10 wmd.jpg
Joseph the Betrothed (A)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of the unborn, woodworkers, craftsman)
Joseph N R 8x10 cropped wmd.jpg
Joseph the Betrothed (B)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of the unborn, woodworkers, craftsman)
Joseph 3 SM WMD.jpg
Joseph the Betrothed (C)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of the unborn, woodworkers, craftsman)
Joseph w XC 8x10 wmd.jpg
Joseph the Betrothed (D)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of the unborn, woodworkers, craftsman)
Joseph Souderton Detail 8x10 wmd.jpg
Joseph the Betrothed (E)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of the unborn, woodworkers, craftsman)
Joseph GBG 8x10 wmd.jpg
Joseph the Betrothed (F)(8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of the unborn, woodworkers, craftsman)
Joshua 8x10 wmd.jpg
Joshua Son of Nun (8"x10"x3/4")
Juliana GBG 8x10 wmd.jpg
Juliana of Lazarevo (8"x10"x3/4")(Patron of the kitchen and home)
Justinian sm wmd.jpg
Justinian (8"x10"x3/4")
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